Thursday, June 22, 2006

Frozen Fire?

There is a silence within me for once. For once, the voices have stopped. Stopped clamouring loudly enough to be heard – for at least some time. Time has gone by… the season has changed. Changed to a horrifying level of angry fire. Fire that is alive within me… within my heart.

My heart tells me to go off and wander, once again. The problem is, I never stopped wandering… never stopped at one place to savour its flavours. There was a hunger, a lust, a greed to wander further and further away from the one thing I was scared of, but the fiery fear froze me.

And so I wander, looking at the springs, the deserts, and I don’t accept them and nor they me.

I wander around but I am not lost. After all, for a wanderer, there is no home, no anchor and perhaps no stagnancy.

There is only fear – and promise what a new day will bring.

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